But there came a moment when the child trembled; Madame Thenardier raised the cover of a stew-pan which was boiling on the stove, then seized a glass and briskly approached the cistern. 可是那孩子还是发了一阵抖:炉上一口锅里的水开了,德纳第大娘揭开了锅盖,又拿起一只玻璃杯,急急忙忙走向那水槽。
We also moved to a Sapphire lens cover, which is thinner and more durable than the previous cover glass. This really protects the optics, and keeps your photos looking great. 我们还用蓝宝石保护罩更换了原先的玻璃盖,因为它相比更纤薄,更耐用,能更好的保护手机上的光学部分,并让拍摄的照片更好看。
Anti-irradiation Cover Glass for Astrospace is a protection material for silicon solar battery on Space Craft. 空间用抗辐照玻璃盖片是一种用于太空飞行器上硅太阳能电池表面的防护材料。
Lamp cover of toughened glass, color is optional. 钢化玻璃灯罩,颜色可选。
The lens hood is used to cover up the lens. Standard for design of daylighting using glass fiber reinforced plastics daylighting shade in plant 遮光罩是用来遮盖镜头的。工业厂房玻璃钢采光罩采光设计标准
Watch with a metal cover over the glass face Can you fit me up with a new watch crystal? 猎用表(表蒙子上有金属护罩)你能给装一块新的表蒙玻璃吗?
Gatsby took up his drink. Cover the glass with the cardboard, and turn the glass over. 盖茨比端过一杯酒来。将杯子用纸板盖上,把杯子倒过来。
The utility model relates to a pot cover, which is assembled by a glass cover and a handle, wherein the glass cover edge is a smoothly milled edge. 本实用新型涉及一种锅盖,由玻璃盖和把手装配而成,玻璃盖的盖边沿为碾磨光滑的边沿;
The utility model is characterized in that the inner container cover is made of glass. 上述内容器的盖子是由玻璃所制成。
Be careful: the cover glass is fragile! 注意:盖玻片是很容易坏掉的!
Finally, the channel-structured glass substrate was sealed to a cover glass plate by using room temperature bonding technique. 最后,采用室温键合技术,将带有微纳结构的基片与盖片封合成玻璃微-纳流控复合芯片。
A side panel of the bottom groove cover is hinged with a bottom board, which means that a side board of the bottom groove cover is unsealed and pieces of glass can be put in conveniently. 下槽套的一个侧板与底板相铰接,即下槽套的一个侧板可打开,从而将玻璃方便地放入槽套中。
And the cover outside and the cover of guide plate are made in heat-resistant borosilicate glass, all the electric elements with safety cut off switch. 外部盖子和内部导流板的帽子都用耐高温硼硅酸盐玻璃制成,所有电器元件都安装上保护切断。
Consequently, ion exchange strengthened cover glass can increase the reliability of solar cell, which can improve service efficiency and prolong the life of solar cell. 因此化学钢化能提高太阳能电池长期工作的可靠性,对提高太阳能电池的使用效率及寿命具有实际意义。
A New Breaking Technology for Agged Concrete Pavement Repairing Cover and its Application Glass, china and reputation are easily cracked and never well mended.-Franklin 旧水泥路面多锤头破碎技术及其应用玻璃、瓷器和名誉,三者都容易破碎,也都无法修复。&富兰克林
The utility model relates to an explosion-proof cover for a wine bottle which is covered on the wine bottle, and is suitable for easily exploded wine glass bottles. 一种罩在酒瓶上的酒瓶防爆罩,适用于容易爆炸的玻璃酒瓶。
The utility model aims at providing a culture box for sperm, which comprises a box body and a box cover which are used to place a flat-bottomed glass test tube and the flat-bottomed glass test tube. 本实用新型旨在提出一种精液培养盒,包括平底玻璃试管和放置试管的盒体及盒盖。
Cover the glass with the cardboard, and turn the glass over. 将杯子用纸板盖上,把杯子倒过来。
The performance of the box-type solar collector was investigated experimentally, the cover of which is a high-vacuum plane glass plate with a middle narrow slot. 用窄缝高真空平面玻璃作普通箱式太阳灶的透明盖板,对箱式太阳灶的集热性能进行了实验研究。
Because the critical surface tension of solid is a physico-chemical parameter denotes the surface property of solid and it is only dependent on the nature of cover but independent of the internal constitution of glass fiber. 结果表明:由于固体临界表面张力是描述固体表面性质的物化数据,因此它仅与表面复盖物的性质有关,而与内部的玻璃纤维的成份无关。
The vacuum degree between the inner and cover glass tubes plays a very important role in heat loss and the life time of all-glass evacuated collector tube. 全玻璃真空太阳集热管内外玻璃管夹层间真空度的保持情况对有效降低热损、提高太阳能的利用率、延长集热管的寿命都有至关重要的作用。
In this part, the microfluidic chip was made of PDMS. The PDMS channel was fixed on the cover glass. 在这部分实验中,我们自己制作了微流控芯片,芯片通道采用PDMS膜制成,然后将膜封接到盖玻片上。
Its advantages are discarding thick and heavy cover glass, high utilization ratio of energy, high brightness of refraction image, easy to making plane frame of hologram for display and easy to carry. 该法优点是不需要厚重玻璃衬板,光能利用率高,重现像亮,易于把全息图制成平面一体化构架,便于携带。
After we learnt enzymatic isolation method of YANG Hong-yuan and ZHOU Chang, we explored to develop a pressure cover glass method of observation on embryo sacs. 我们在学习了酶解法之后,摸索研究了一种观察甜菜胚囊的压片法。
According to different operational states of the thermal cover, the differential equation sets of the thermal cover and the porthole glass were established and solved numerically, and the comparison was made between the numerical solution and the experimental data. 当热门处于不同的工作状态时,分别对舷窗玻璃和热门盖板建立微分方程,利用数值方法进行求解,并将求解结果与试验结果进行比较。
First, the ITO electrodes on the ITO glass were prepared by photolithography, and the chip FFE was assembled by bonding with a cover glass sheet using a double tape as a spacer. 首先利用光刻方法在ITO玻璃上制作ITO电极,然后将其和玻璃盖片用双面胶粘合的方法制备了FFE芯片。